Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Happenings

How did it get to be December already? I know everyone says that, but really?!
This post is utterly random, but how gorgeous is that photo?

So, here's what's been up with me...
We had our first snow of the season here! I love snow when I get to stay home...not as much when I have to drive home in it, which was the case today.
Tomorrow, my little sister turns 13! Happy birthday Jenna Renee :)
Another of the girls from my high school group of friends is getting married this weekend...which means I got a new dress and can't wait to wear it!
Speaking of weddings, this month, ours is only 5 months away! It's my goal to have our invitations printed, flowers ordered, and centerpiece items purchased before the end of the year.
We officially have one Christmas present purchased. I really need to get my butt in gear!
I still need a tree skirt and 4 of those mini Christmas trees to scatter around our house to complete our holiday decor.
We got a new/old dining table and I really want to take some pictures to show you...but we're still waiting on the chairs, so the reveal will have to wait! haha
I have not been to the grocery store in about two weeks and our food supply shows it. And my cooking has been basically nonexistent lately. Oops.

On another note, I came across this quote and love it...

It's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at the line for the rest of your life.

I apologize for my complaining, but my new job is not getting any better. I thought I could do any job for awhile to make us money, but I realize that I have to be happy. Life is short. I don't want to waste my time worrying and being unhappy.
Any advice?

~Hope your day was wonderful! Talk soon! xo

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