Monday, April 27, 2009

Scott Pilgrim tease...

New Scott Pilgrim pic. Some sites say it might be Chris in the photo. Well, that's enough for me to publish it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Interview with John Krokidas about "Kill Your Darlings"and Chris Evans

Interview: John Krokidas on "Kill Your Darlings" and star Chris Evans

John Polly, April 22, 2009 for AfterElton

A few weeks back, news broke that a film called Kill Your Darlings was heading into production and would feature actor Chris Evans (Fantastic Four, Sunshine) as Beat Generation author Jack Kerouac and Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland, The Squid and the Whale) as legendary gay poet Allen Ginsberg. Naturally, the news had film buffs and gay bloggers abuzz.

Coming on the heels of Milk, film fans are clearly primed for more tales of gay culture’s pioneers and artists. This one’s also been co-written and is set to be directed by a rising gay filmmaker, John Krokidas, and produced by the legendary indie-film mogul Christine Vachon (Poison, Boys Don’t Cry, Hedwig, Far From Heaven), so it’s got a nice gay pedigree already.
Kill Your Darlings also features Ben Whishaw, who recently starred in The International and who played gay in last year’s Brideshead Revisited. Whishaw will play Lucien Carr, a Columbia student credited with bringing together the trio of Ginsberg, Kerouac as well as the gay writer William S. Burroughs.

But Carr is also infamously known for serving time for the 1944 murder of David Kammerer, thought to be his lover. Kammerer, who had fallen in with Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs and the rest of the Beat crowd, was found floating in the Hudson River. The mysterious case made headlines at the time and still remains controversial. Storywise, does it get any juicier? recently interviewed Krokidas about filming this already absorbing story, what it’s like to be a young gay filmmaker working with big stars and a big-time producer, and what we can expect onscreen.

AE: Congrats on getting Kill Your Darlings into production! Why this story? What drew you in to the whole Ginsberg/Kerouac/Burroughs relationship and this murder story?

JK: For me to get involved in any artistic project I work on, I need to have a strong emotional response to it. And when Austin brought this story to me, my first reaction is how furious I got when I discovered in 1944 that you could literally get away with murder by portraying your victim as a homosexual. They called [Kammerer’s murder] an “honor slaying” or the “homosexual panic” defense.
Add to this my love and affection for the Beats. I still remember reading On the Road when I was 16, working at the video store in the mall, and telling the assistant manager that this was “a phony job in a phony mall in a town full of finks!”
I had to beg for my job back two hours later, but the book introduced me to the idea that the idea of wanting to live outside the boundaries of society was a perfectly acceptable choice. And then I learned how these guys were sexually curious and many even openly gay in a time when homosexuality was still considered a psychological defect, and in many states, entirely illegal.

These three authors [Ginsberg, Keruoac and Burroughs], like most of us in college, wanted to change the world and start a revolution. And then, they actually did it. They started a counter-culture revolution that started in the clean-cut Eisenhower era of the 50’s, persisted through the peace movement of the 60’s, then were appropriated by the punk rock uprising of the 70’s and their legend continues even today. And I remember hearing in college that Kurt Cobain used to have Burroughs come over and recite spoken-word vocals over his guitar solos.

AE: Now the tacky question: How gay is this story gonna be? Any Ginsberg/Kerouac action coming?

JK: I’ll never tell. You have to come see the movie to find out. But let’s just say there is a lot of sexual discovery and exploration in the film, heterosexual, gay, bisexual, and otherwise.

AE: What’s your take on the "Howl" film being made with James Franco as Ginsberg. Are you concerned about comparisons? This isn't Capote vs. Infamous all over again, is it?

JK: I think our two films will complement each other beautifully. Kill Your Darlings is the dramatic story of three young artists struggling to find their voice and Howl is an cinematic exploration of one of their poems almost 15 years later.

AE: How involved were you in assembling the great cast that’s lined up? Were the actors — Chris Evans, Jesse Eisenberg and Ben Whishaw — easy to get on board?

JK: Christine Vachon is a wonderful producer in that she gives her directors the creative freedom to cast and create the film in the way in which they best see fit. Together, along with Steve Dontanville, my manager and the executive producer on the film, we made cast wish lists for each of the roles, and I was lucky enough to have almost every actor who I wanted to work with respond to the script.

Jesse Eisenberg, Chris Evans and Ben Whishaw were all actors that I had dreamed of casting since we started the process, and I think three of the most compelling actors of their generation. All of them will get to show sides of their talent that I believe they have not yet shown on screen. And there is nothing more exciting for a director than to re-introduce actors to the world in an entirely new light. Plus, as I am getting to know all three, they are also incredibly warm, smart, and amazing people.

AE: Anyone lined up for Burroughs yet?

JK: We are considering a few actors right now, and hopefully an announcement should me made shortly. All I can say is that I am extremely pleased with the options, and it is going to be a tough choice.

AE: What’s the tone of the film gonna be? Rowdy? Raucous? Subtle? Romantic? Any hints?

JK: Think Dead Poets Society with a brutal murder mystery at its core. And a lot more sex.

AE: Fun! Most folks know Ginsberg was gay, but what's the deal with Kerouac? Were he and Ginsberg lovers?

JK: I soooo cannot answer that question. There are so many competing accounts in various biographies debating Kerouac's sexuality, I wouldn’t even dare to suggest to know the answer. However, the movie takes place during their university years, and all I can say, is that like most college students, the characters in the movie are just discovering their sexuality, and perhaps would be inclined to be more experimental in these few years than during other periods of their lives.

AE: Nice to hear. Christine Vachon is a filmmaking icon: What’s it gonna be like working with her?

JK: Due to her legendary status, I’ll admit, I was terrified the night before I met her, and came up with a fifty page thesis statement of my directorial vision to impress her in our meeting. But as I plopped down my twenty pound vision on the table, she started to laugh, saying that she had no need to read my dissertation on the thematic representation of the Beat Movement through the use of lighting or whatever the hell I had written .
Her job is just to make great movies. And the way she does that is by letting her directors tell their own stories in their own voices, while she gets them the resources to do so. And since that meeting, I have found her to be an amazing collaborator; always willing to answer even the most ridiculous questions on my end, like what to wear to an actor meeting, to helping me meet the best directors of photography and production designers working today.

AE: Your directorial debut? How’s that feel?

JK: Amazing, thrilling and absolutely incomprehensible. While I’ve directed several shorts in the past when I was at NYU, I’ve never taken on the challenge and marathon that is a feature. Occasionally, I will suggest using the dirty and down-low techniques that I learned in film school, like having a beautiful female friend seduce the head of a laboratory to get discounts in film processing, or dressing the cameraman as a homeless person to steal shots on the streets of New York, and Christine just smiles and reminds me that I have now moved up from the minor league to the majors.
However, if any aspiring directors are reading this, what I am learning does not change is the need to trust your instincts, to cast the right actors for the role, and to clearly articulate the movie you are trying to make to the people with whom you are working.
Luckily, at the feature level, those people you are working with are generally a little more talented and experienced that the freshmen you have trying to figure out how to assemble a tripod in film school.

AE: Speaking of film school, can we get a quickie version of your bio?

JK: I studied theater and American studies undergrad at Yale, and attended NYU film school. There, I wrote and directed several short films, including Slo-Mo, which screened at the Telluride and Sundance film festivals and was then acquired by HBO, PBS, and the Sundance Channel. I’ve also written scripts for Miramax, Universal, and Cosmic Entertainment (which is Goldie Hawn’s company). And I’m working on developing a feature version of Slo-Mo.

AE: Back to Kill Your Darlings, where are you planning to shoot? Can you describe the setting of the film?

JK: Most of the film takes place at Columbia University and we are looking at several schools in the Northeast as potential locations.

AE: And finally ... since you mentioned “lots of sex” earlier are we gonna see Chris Evans shirtless? Anybody full-frontal? Butt shots? Man-on-man smooches?

JK: To answer all of your questions, my magic eight-ball says possible to very, very likely. But you’ll have to wait for the film to come out to get your answer. A guy can’t give everything away on the first interview...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Woodson and Rummerfield Blog!

I am so excited to learn that one of my favorite design firms Woodson and Rummerfield, also have a blog! Ron Woodson and Jaime Rummerfield have a beautiful website Woodson and Rummerfield's House of Design, which showcases their spectacular work. Apparently they have had a blog since 2008. It seems Ivan at Meade Design knows about it... Now you do to!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Vintage Cards

I've been holding on to these cards my whole life. My Grandma gave me the first one for my 12th birthday which was back in the early 1970's. I saved it and found the others tucked away in an old desk of hers years later. They are quite large and bumpy cuz they are "raised" and they have real sparkles on them. I don't know who the artist is except to say that they are signed Vivica. You can click on them to make them much bigger too. Pretty much my very favorite colorful cards!

New project for Chris?

Chris Evans the latest among THE LOSERS

Actor in talks for Jensen role

By Rob M. Worley April 20, 2009

Comics2Film at can report exclusively that Chris Evans is likely to be the next addition to the cast of the film version of the DC Comics/Vertigo comic 'The Losers'.

The film focuses on a elite group of special forces operatives who are betrayed by their handlers and left for dead. Surviving the setup, they embark on a series of wildcat ops designed to clear their own names and bring down the government agency that sold them out. The fast-paced, critically-acclaimed comic was created by writer Andy Diggle and artist Jock.

Sources tell us that Evans is in negotiations for the role of Jensen, the fast-talking tech whiz of the team. Seems a perfect match for Evans who has established himself both a compelling action star and a comedic presence as well.

Evans is no stranger to comic-based fare. He's known to fans as Johnny Storm, the sole bright spot in the 'Fantastic Four' movies, and voiced Casey Jones in the 'TMNT' revamp. He plays a role in the currently-filming 'Scott Pilgrim vs The World' and most recently starred in the comic-related 'Push'.

Evans would join Jeffrey Dean Morgan ('Watchmen') who stars as Clay, the leader of the team. Also recent cast are Idris Elba ('The Wire') as Roque and Zoe Saldana ('Star Trek') as Aisha. Sylvain White is directing, with production set to start later this year.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Grey Gardens

I really want to see this movie but I don't have HBO. Does anybody know if it will be on DVD soon, or if it will air again? Maybe I could get HBO for a bit... I'm so intrigued! In the meantime, I'm happy watching You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan for the millionth time! It's one of my all time favorite movies! :)

Have A Beautiful Weekend!

I added music to my blog! Please let me know what you think! You can always turn it off at the bottom of the blog. I learned how to add the music playlist from Anne Marie at Na-Da Farm. Thank you Anne Marie! Check out her blog Na-Da Farm Life... it's a lovely place!

Cafe del Mar Music Video

I just wanted to wish everyone a very relaxing and inspiring weekend.

This video is from Cafe del Mar: Gymnopedie with music by the French composer, Erik Satie (1866 - 1825). This video has been out for a while but I just discovered it. The music is so soothing and beautiful and I think the story is just magical! I found this version on Daily courtesy chatbleu1.

Erik Satie, who's full name is Alfred Éric Leslie Satie (1866 – 1925) was a French composer, pianist, and writer. Dating from his first composition in 1884, he signed his name as Erik Satie, as he said he preferred it. He wrote articles for several periodicals and, although in later life he prided himself on always publishing his work under his own name, there appears to have been a brief period in the late 1880s during which he published articles under the pseudonym, Virginie Lebeau. The two pictures below are of him.

Here is the same video on You Tube from cafedelmar: Café del Mar Classic: Gymnopedie by Erik Satie. They disabled the embedding so I could only post the link.

Cafedelmar says the video was "made up in 3D, this beautiful video represents the Café del Mar Sunset Bar essence. The music is "Gymnopedie Nº 1" composed by Erik Satie and comes from his Trois Gymnopedies. It is also on the first album of the Café del Mar Classic collection.

"The 3D video clip was produced by “Render Area” and directed by Javier Bollaín. The leading character is confronted with four tests based on decorative items of Café del Mar which gradually reveal the Sunset as they are solved."

I'm not sure if there is partial nudity in this or not. It's all computer generated graphics but I just thought I would say. I cannot figure out what the female character is wearing... or not.

This video makes me think about a few things. I absolutely love antiques and old chateaus and villas, and treasures from long ago... despite all the modern decor you see so far on my blog. I often wonder what it would be like to live way back then... and hearing this kind of music just transports me back in time and helps paint the picture of times gone by. I would love to learn how to play this on the piano too.

The video also makes me think about our actions and how each move we make can make other things happen... like a chain reaction. We must take care with the moves we make and the steps we take in life in order to make our dreams come true. What steps are you taking to create the place you want to live in? I hope it is lovely!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle Sings Cry Me A River!!

I can't stop watching Susan Boyle singing I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables on Britain's Got Talent! Millions and millions of people all over the world have been captivated by her genuine personality and phenomenal singing! She has an amazing voice and has blown everybody away! I am so happy for her! She is gonna win and go on to make all her dreams come true!

I JUST found another recording of Susan Boyle singing Cry Me A River on You Tube. They only made 1000 copies of this back in 1999. Click on the "more info" once you click the link up above to read more about it. Her voice is just stunning!

My table is smarter than your table!

Amazing technology by Microsoft Surface. Watch this!

Posted on You Tube by blazinwater

World Builder

This award winning short movie is magical! It is called World Builder and was created by filmmaker Bruce Branit who is widely known as the co-creator of 405, (as in the big 405 Freeway in Los Angeles). World Builder is full of creativity, design, special effects, beautiful music and heartfelt love.

World Builder is about a strange man who uses holographic tools to build a world for the woman he loves. The movie was shot in a single day followed by about two years of post production. Bruce Branit is the owner of Branit VFX based in Kansas City. More information, background and info on future releases can be found on his Facebook page. Become a fan and keep in touch.

One of his many admirers wrote, "No words, just music... awe inspiring special effects... and some of the best 'facial' acting I have ever seen. I was moved to tears near the end. It speaks so strongly of love and commitment. Bravo!" Another comment posted on You Tube by Alicephrontistery wrote, "... that flower was created with such attention for the one he loved. He was afraid that she would have seen an imperfection in the world he created for her but that little yellow flower kept her from seeing it. Love is like that, isn't it? Our loved ones overlook our imperfections when they see through the eyes of love."

I'm sure this movie will create all sorts of different feelings for each of us. It made me think about everything we create, especially our memories together, for the ones we love and how it brings joy to our heart and their lives. Have you created beautiful memories in your life? As amazing as this movie is on so many levels, it is also very, very sad. It has really touched my heart and even made me shed a few tears. I wrote a poem about how it makes me feel...

I'd love to create a place that I hope you love too.
Oh how it touches my heart to see you do.
But if I lost you one day, I'd trade it all away,
If you'd just come back to stay.
Cuz what really matters most to me... is you.

Click the X in the lower right hand corner to turn off the Google ads ->X

Posted on You Tube by bbranit on February 24, 2009
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: World Builder, Bruce Branit, high quality, holograph, hologram, holographic, strange man, branitvfx, visual effects, Lightwave, Maya, 3DMax, Photoshop, Adobe, Dell, Italy, France, Kansas City, Coma, Hospital, 3D, virtual, romantic, sad, beautiful, short film, second life.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Say Cheese Mickey!

I couldn't resist displaying this buffet and television stand together! We can all use something to make us smile!

Modern TV Stand by Pacini Cappellini - Mickey Mouse

"Instantly recognisable, the Mickey Mouse modern TV stand is from Pacini Cappellini. This great wall system is the perfect home for your flat-screen TV, as well as keeping a collection of favorite CDs and DVDs accessible in a funky display. Constructed of lacquered MDF, the contemporary TV stand also has two handy glass shelves. A storage drawer sits discreetly below the unit, keeping the area tidy. Children and adults will love the modern TV stand design which is based on a cartoon character and is remarkably subtle, with a hint of playfulness. Bring this Mickey Mouse stand home to your family… contact Pacini Cappellini." Check out their website for some other cool furnishings and some nice "chill out" music! Photo and info found on Trendir

Quirky Contemporary Cupboard Design from Horm

"With a style all of its own, this gorgeous contemporary cupboard from Horm is ideal for those who are looking for something entirely different. The eye catching cupboards provide lots of storage space whilst subtly adding to the stylish ambiance of any room. The Polka Dots cupboard by Toyo Ito has a more lively and fun aspect. Lit from within, the Circular decorations in frosted methacrylate stand out against the natural wood – choose from either whitened beech or beech with mocha stain. Contact Horm to find out more about these individualistic pieces of furniture." Photo and info found on Trendir

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wave Cutout Designs

Speaking of black and white... Here are some beautiful furnishings made in Italy from 1 Contemporary Furniture. There is a beautiful white Italian buffet in a chic "cut out" pattern with Swarovski Crystal knobs and a soothing creamy white dining table with a wave shaped base. They are shown with beautiful chairs upholstered in a pattern that extenuates them both.

They are displayed in a dining room but I think they would look lovely in an elegant office or conference room too, like that of an Interior Designer's. There is something so alluring and peaceful about this look. Click on the pics to enlarge them so you can see the spectacular details.

More pics of Chris leaving MyHouse

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Blog Question

Does anybody know how to make a "transition" from one photo to another with a "fade in" or "wipe" or something like that? For example... taking a black and white photo or sepia photo like the one shown and having it dissolve into a color photo like the other picture. I'm looking for the html code to insert into the blog header. I have looked on Apple and around the internet but just can't figure it out. This is something that I would like to create in order to show one of our favorite blogging friends. Thank you so much!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Calling All Colors!

This is a fabulous website for discovering all the colors of the rainbow and creating beautiful color palattes! It's called Colour Lovers. There are so many beautiful colors to see and combinations that have been created. They have been given some pretty creative names too. I'm having trouble grabbing some of the best color pattern combinations to show you here so please take a peak. You can create a free account and save your favorite colors and patterns. You could spend hours on this site! They even have a blog called Colour Lovers blog which you can visit for some inspiring posts and excellent information on color.

Adrift in Dreams

Beach House

Soft Touch

From Colour Lover's Blog...

Eclectic Color Roundup

Crayon Rings by Timothy Liles

Bell Telephone Laboratories for Eastman Kodak - Fastax

Favorite Blog Pic

I thought I would create a post for my favorite picture or two that I find while looking at all the lovely blogs out there. Since I am new here, I have a lot of catching up to do on top of reading your current posts. I often go back through the older posts on your blogs as well to admire what you've created in the past so it may even be a photo from long ago. I'm sure I could find a thousand pics a week because there is so much I like! Your blogs are all so lovely and I admire each and every one!

This is one of my favorite photos that I discovered over the past few weeks. I found this beautiful picture while looking for info and photos about the ocean and decor along the shore. I love the light blue and white colors and the composition of the bottles and sea life. It feels like something I would love to have in a beach cottage... which I would love to have too! It makes my dreams come alive.

I'm pretty sure I found this photo on someone's blog, as opposed to an advertisement. However, I don't remember who's blog I found it on, but I will definitely try to find out. If it is from your blog, please let me know so I can let everyone else know! I Love Your Place!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Flashback - Chris at the launch of the LG Scarlet HD TV Series (april 2008)

Relaxing Weekend

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments on my recent posts. It really means a lot to me. I love visiting your blogs and seeing your inspiring articles and photos. Thank you for enriching the world of interior design blogging!

I hope you are having a beautiful relaxing weekend.

Photo from Patio Pads

Friday, April 3, 2009

Barbie's House Transformed

Barbie's 50th Birthday Party was held at a spectacular home in Malibu, California where many of her fabulous friends came to celebrate. Jonathan Adler transformed the home into a bright colorful life size dollhouse which was put together by party planner extradoinaire Colin Cowie with music by DJ AM. The fabulous decor can be seen in my previous post about her birthday party.

Here is what the home really looks like, in its natural state without all the party people and over the top decor. I have been most fortunate to have been a guest at this lovely home on several occassions and it is even more beautiful in person. The home is very modern and has spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean in Southern California.

I hope the owners don't mind that I share their home with you. The home is used in the entertainment business a lot so some people out there may have already seen it. The place is amazing, truly spectacular! Although the best part are the owners who are the nicest people you'll ever meet with the biggest heart. They really know how to make you feel right at home in their little piece of paradise.

The interior design was done by Bussell Livingstone Interiors and completed around 2003. Apparently the two designers have since separated and have their own firms now. Janet Bussell-Erickson is in Los Angeles, CA and has added a place in Presscott, Arizona. Barrie Livingstone returned to his home in Miami, Florida after spending five years in Los Angeles, and operates his design firm from there.

The beautiful pictures are from Barrie Livingstone's website and the Malibu Locations: Weddings and Events website (which you can tell by the watermark on the photo). Oh and the photos of the home with Tad Hamilton are from I Am Not A Stalker, Your Definitive Source for Filming Locations.

The description is a combination of information from Barrie Livingstone's website, and an article Second take from Remodeling Trends volume 2006 and another article in the Los Angeles Times about the home from their Special Home Design Issue A Vision in Azure, Awash with Ocean Hues and Technical Tricks in 2004 by Barbara Thornburg. Oh and my personal tidbits of info and insight. :)

Since most of the information is from a while ago, I'm sure the home has been used for other events since then in addition to those at the end of the post too.

Yeah! We're here!

"This Malibu compound sits atop a 50-foot bluff on Zuma Beach facing the ocean and due south on clear days Santa Barbara Island some 80 miles offshore can easily be seen. Perched on a cliff above the Pacific Ocean, this home, originally designed by Ron Goldman, has now been redesigned by Bussell Livingstone Interiors.

"Our clients wanted the home to be a peaceful family retreat," says Bussell. "At the same time, they wanted the space to be a suitable location for film shoots." Bussell Livingstone created an interior that focuses on scale and colors.

"From the outset, the owners specified a simple palette of white, lilac and blue, because these colors promote tranquility, creativity and spirituality," says Bussell. "Instead of mixing diverse colors in the design, we mixed materials - marble, stainless steel, glass and sheer fabrics."

The main living area has 18ft-high ceilings with full-height sliding doors that open onto broad, stone walkways that surround the house. These provide film crews with easy access to most areas of the house.

Most walls on the ground level are Azure light glass allowing the main living space to command dramatic 360 degree views.

AAA Pure White Thassos marble was selected for the flooring. It was tracked down on the Greek Isle of Thassos known for this magical white stone. Slabs are used on the stairs as the main living area is on three levels and the entire floor is heated with a copper line heating system.

My first tidbit of insight... See the photo with barstools at the bar? There is a waterfall like fountain running down the wall behind the bar. I think it must use oil or something to make it look like tiny beads of water trickling down. It's very pretty and mesmerizing.

The kitchen is by Italy’s own Snaidero using their now famous finish designed by Ferrari's Pininfarina. The finish is glasslike and reflective and is like no other. Doors are made from injection molded plastic and are light as a feather, some are even curved.

The following article, "A Vision in Azure, Awash With Ocean Hues and Technological Tricks" by Barbara Thornburg, February 8, 2004 offers detailed information about the amazing kitchen.

Record company executive Jan Stevens has a stunning $250,000 kitchen, bathed in blue to match the Pacific Ocean visible from the food 'n' fun room of the Malibu home she co-owns with business partner Stephen Graham. But she has a confession: They rarely cook.

"We're both so busy," Stevens says. A chef comes weekly to chop vegetables and fruits and store lettuce in the refrigerator for Stevens, who has been a vegetarian since she was 19. Graham, although a talented cook, uses the kitchen principally to make coffee. The couple do entertain, however, on a large scale. "We usually have 250 guests at a time," Stevens says. Then there's the weekly boys' night, when a dozen friends drop by to shoot pool, play computer games and just hang out.

Graham and Stevens wanted a stunning kitchen to go with the dramatically modern home. Stevens was thumbing through a Shelter magazine when she first saw the periwinkle blue kitchen - her favorite color, she says. "It was love at first sight." The creation of Ferrari auto designer Paolo Pininfarina, the award-winning Ola kitchen (click for close up pics) sports many of the same features as a car: sensuous curved lines in the foam-injected, molded cabinet doors, one of which opens via a pneumatic lift, and a metallic, reflective paint finish. "We Turtle Wax it every couple of months," Graham says.

The kitchen opens to an expansive dining and entertainment area that includes a pool table with a custom blue felt surface. Graham set up his Apple Computer's iTunes program to flash images on the 60-inch Zenith plasma-screen TV that pulsate with the music from his playlist of 31,000 songs. Guests can shoot pool or stargaze through the telescope in the corner or perch on stools along the low kitchen bar opposite the billiards table. Stevens puts out snacks and lets the guys help themselves to chilled drinks and ice from the refrigerator and freezer drawers located in the bar. They can also make themselves a cappuccino from the built-in Miele coffee maker, which grinds its own beans, or throw a bag of popcorn into the overhead KitchenAid microwave.

Even though the owners don't cook often, they wanted a functional space that could handle several people preparing food at the same time - caterers mostly, and during the holidays, family - without getting in each other's way. Working with designers Janet Bussell and Barrie Livingstone of Bussell-Livingstone Interiors in Malibu, and Snaidero kitchen designer Lois O'Malley, they decided on a double-alley kitchen with a large central island that allows for easy access and a number of cooking triangles. The bar and back wall of the kitchen each have custom stainless steel sinks that are a swivel turn away from an oven. They have four, plus two warming drawers. A free-standing GE Monogram refrigerator stands nearby to complete the triangle.

The top of the island features a Miele griddle and cooktop with a central wok burner. A flush-mounted telescopic vent system emerges with the press of a button to suction smoke and odors from the cooktop and replaces a conventional hood that would have blocked views of the ocean.

The client said that the kitchen, usually full of young, hip singles, turned into a "vibrant family center" during the holidays. "My mom cooked, the kids ate every meal at the counter, sitting on the swivel bar stools and watching Nickelodeon; my sister and brother-in-law danced to country music and I played pool with my dad."

Moving out of the kitchen...

Of special note is the Azurelite glass on the homes windows. On even the greyest of Malibu mornings, it’s blueness pierces the air and sets a hip cool contrast to the brilliant white smoothness of the stucco walls.

Highly polished stainless steel furnishings by Brueton “wave bench” and dining table. Cool bar stools from Sweden, Johanson Design and dining chairs from Cantoni had to be custom lacquered in brilliant white to dazzle off the floor.

Let's go outside...

The pool is lined in a lilac glass tile with seamless hidden waterfalls and the only fifteen-person whirlpool hot tub.

At last, the fire pit. It is surrounded by a crystal clear diamonite glass wall to protect from the chilly pacific wind. Lilac exterior canvas fabric warms you and when the pit is on, the whole area becomes a sexy, romantic retreat away from the rest of the home that leaves you free to gaze up at the stars.

Hopefully you've read this far because this is where I get to add another one of my personal tidbits... The outdoor fire pit is amazing! Toss a hand full of magic dust on it to make it change all different colors at night! And even better... I know where the marshmellows are in the kitchen for roasting over the flame! Yum!

This home may look familiar to you because it is featured regularly on many T.V. shows, movies and music videos. Before it’s renovation, it was featured in “Life as a House” and Terminator 2. Now it has been used for CSI Miami, Paris Hilton’s Global Guess Campaign, videos for Jennifer Lopez and Luther Vandross, and several private videos from the Cooking Channel to Yoga & Fitness. It is also currently used for National Ad Campaigns for Kreiss Furniture and Frontgate Catalog." The home was also featured in "Win A Date with Tad Hamilton" and is also used for Weddings and Events. I'm still looking for more pics and videos that show the home... let me know if you find any! :)

One last tidbit... the front doors were "blown up" or shot out in a movie or TV show. I just forget if it was for an episode of "Miami CSI" or "The Fast and Furious" (I think it was the latter). I haven't looked through all the shows to find it. The real doors were taken off and replaced with the kind of glass they use when blowing stuff up in movies. It was quite an elaborate shoot!

Kreiss Furniture

Luther Vandross Video - Take You Out

Win A Date With Tad Hamilton (Home shown at 1:51-2:01)

Steamy video with Josh Duhamel...

What? You wanna see more? Josh Duhamel is Hot.
Don't forget to look at the house!

Stunning... marble floors! For your pic files of course.

I hope you've enjoyed the seeing the beautiful home. We Love Your Place! :)