Friday, November 13, 2009

Escape ~ Friday the 13th ~ Escape

Somedays I wish I could escape my life.
Perhaps into a beautiful painting like this.
I wonder if such a place ever existed?

It's Friday the 13th
It's usually very good luck for me but
today was the first time in my life that
Friday the 13th
Just sucked.
Don't worry, nothing really seriously bad happened.
Actually, one good thing happened
but everything else sucked.
I'm just having a bad day... Please forgive me.

To cheer myself up...
Maybe I will make a few more escape posts and
My "closet space" post is almost done too.
See, blogging is already helping me feel better.

I hope it has been a good day for you.

Photo - Maxfield Parrish (I think)

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