Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kindly note that Shahid Kapoor is a typical Muslim: Shahid Kapoor

Kindly note that Shahid Kapoor is a typical Muslim: Shahid KapoorIronically speaking Shahid Kapur not only happens to be the product of a broken home, his parents Pankaj Kapur and Neelima Azim having parted ways long ago on differences of opinion, but also a victim of culture clashes and religious divides of Islamic and Hinduism.

But when questioned about this he emphatically retorts, “No I was not at all affected by their separation neither am I a victim of culture clashes or the religious divides of Islamic and Hinduism.

For the simple reason that right since my childhood I have always considered myself as a typical Muslim as my mom Neelima Azim and my Nanihal's (Maternal ancestors) Islamic influence has been too strong and too powerful enough to cause any other religious diversion in my mind.” And when SHAHEEN RAAJ asked SHAHID KAPOOR to share his views and opinions about 'Ramzan' and 'Religion' he readily agreed with an instant reaction of just one word, “Shoot”.

To begin with how about revealing the secrets of your own religious beliefs?
Come on! What kind of secrets are you talking about? Religion can never be a secret. All religions may not be like open books yet believe it or not but Islamic religion is the only religion, which has no hidden secrets.

All its basic tenets and principals are clearly mentioned in the holy book – 'The Koran'. Not only this it is not necessary for a person to know Arabic, he can read and learn to recite it in any language that he can easily understand.

But the most important fact is that any person practicing Islamic religion or any other person who chooses to embrace Islam should have a complete faith in 'Allah' and above all in the preaching's of Islam as propagated and prophesized by Prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him.

So to answer your hidden query kindly note that Shahid Kapoor is a typical Muslim, a sachha musaalmaan (True blue Muslim) with his 'Imaan' (Faith) intact, his 'Aamaal' (Worship) as regular as possible.

Ok! Now we know that you are a typical Muslim at heart. So tell us how do you observe the holy month of 'Ramzan'?
Before I speak about my way of observing the Holy month of 'Ramzan' I would like state that in my childhood when my mom and the maulavi (Priest), who used to come everyday to teach me to read and recite 'The Koran', failed to do so I was myself deeply troubled as to why I could not pick up the flow of at least reading the Arabic and the Urdu language?

But try as I might I too failed. Even my friends were fed up of me when I used pester them to teach me to read 'The Koran'.

Finally I spoke to my 'Allah' directly through my Prayers at night, tendered my apology and from next day onwards I started reading and reciting 'The Koran' in English language. It really helped me a lot. And now I am proud to admit that I know all the most important 'Suras' and 'Aayats' (Koranic Verses) by heart.

Then I also learnt to say my 'Namaaz' (Prayers) in the same way. Coming to this month of the Holy Ramzan, yes in spite of facing all the tragic situations of my personal life I am not allowing myself to neglect my religious duties and responsibilities.

I don't find it difficult at all to observe all my 5 times 'Farz Namaaz'. I am also keeping all my fasts, till today I have not missed a single fast. That apart since my mom has left (She got married again) us I am also looking after my younger brother Sameer.

Yeah! He is a bit lazy so I have to literally be after him. But this has also enlightened me with the fact that religion should always be practiced out of one's own choice and never forced upon anyone.

Lekin 'Namaaz' (Prayer) aur 'Roze' (Fast) ke alawa (Besides)…….?
Yeah! I know. Till my mom left she used to take care of the 'Zakaat' (2.5% of one's income to be disbursed among the needful widows) and the 'Fitra' (Protection of life and its longevity) but I think I am totally illiterate in this regard.

So what I do is try to do daily 'Khairaat' (Giving alms to the poor and the needy) feed and help out as many needy and poor people as I can.

But next year I shall see to it that I do things in a properly concerned manner and of course in consultation with a highly knowledgeable and a perfectly qualified Maulana (Priest). Till then if I have committed any sin knowingly or even unknowingly I pray to god for forgiveness.

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