Friday, January 29, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Scott talks about his brother Chris

( Scott Evans)
After Elton was speaking with Scott Evans about the wonderful year he had last year. In 2009 Scott was outed in the media by his brother Chris Evans and turned his small role in the soap One Life To Live into huge by playing a gay cop.
This is what Scott had to say about his brother, when After Elton asked him if he could do a movie with Chris, what kind of movie it would be:

After Elton: You're also close to your brother [film actor Chris Evans], and you've said before that you'd like to work with him on a movie. If you could make any kind of movie with him, what would you like to do?

Scott Evans: I know that whatever we do, it has to be something where we play brothers or friends, because being around each other for the holidays, just hanging out with each other, we complement each other so well in our jokes and everything.

We're very much the same person. We always say we're the same person except he likes women and I like men. I was just texting him this morning. He's down in Houston shooting a movie and he was asking me when One Life to Live was on, and I was like, "You're not watching that," and he said, "I'm in my hotel with nothing to do." I don't even think I was on today.

Read the entire interview at

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Raining Sunshine

All last week in LA
rain, thunder, lightening and hail.

Finally, the sun has come out today.

I hope all is well with everybody.
I'm sending a warm welcome to my new followers!

Photo credits:
Le Fleur Noir by Photographer Antonio Barrella
He received 3rd Place - Honor of Distinction for this photo
in the Professional Fashion Photography Category
at the 2nd Annual Photography Masters Cup
The International Award Honoring Color Photography

Carmen in Cardin 1957 by Photographer Richard Avalon

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Day After the Earthquake In Haiti

Say a prayer for those in Haiti
Please help if you can

American Airlines is taking doctors, nurses and EMT's to Haiti from NY for free. Please call 212-697-9767. Haiti is three hours from NYC and they need help desperately.

Text 'Yele' to 501501 to donate $5 to YELE HAITI. Post it as your status on facebook or your blog and get others to do the same. There should not be a person in your facebook News Feed who does not have a link to a relief effort tonight. Information is power... Peace and Power to Lionel and Constant Bernard. We are praying for you.

Saturday Update: Lionel and Constant Bernard evacuated safely to Florida. Your prayers have been greatly appreciated.

Flashback - Chris Evans by Julie Dennis Brothers

This shoot goes way back, but still interesting to publish. Hey it's Chris right? There's hardly any news about Chris except for the reviews about The Loss Of A Teardrop Diamond. Unfortenately Chris has done no promotion for this movie this time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he is too busy doing lots and lots of new photoshoots.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tribal Tattoo for Girl #1

Tribal Tattoo for Girl

Tribal Tattoo for Girl

Tribal Tattoo for Girl

If You Find Me You Can Surprise Me

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!"
How cute! They play a game of hide and go seek in
a beautiful house, dressed up in beautiful clothes!
Hope your year is going well and that you're having fun!

I know it looks like I've been hiding...
I haven't disappeared, I've just been busy,
trying to make greater things happen this year.

I lost my prescription glasses last week,
and hope to have a new pair this week.
You'd laugh to see how big I'm typing this!
I still can't believe I have to wear glasses...
which is probably why I don't have a spare pair.

Top of my to do list is Mandy's present.
I just can't see to quite finish it.
I know it's super late but it is just about done.

I'm going to a concert by Keb'Mo' in Malibu this Sunday.
He is an amazing Blues Artist. I used to work for him so it should be fun!

Claudia from The Paris Apartment may be coming to LA in January! I better get my house in order!

And, crossing my fingers...
I might have a job or at least some work too!

I will come out of hiding and get back to blogging
more about interior design and all that good stuff soon.

This is what Victoria Beckham has been up to...
Lucky Victoria!

via Samkhk on You Tube

Backstage Emporio Armani Underware
Fall/Winter 2010

Spring/Summer 2010
via Forofamouspeople on You Tube

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sexy Tattoos with Permanent Piercing

Star Tattoo with Permanent Piercing PicturesTribal Tatoos With Sexy piercing

Star Tattoo with Permanent Piercing PicturesStar Tattoo with Permanent Piercing Pictures

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Simple tatto's Comfortable ang beautiful for girls

Simple tatto's Comfortable ang beautiful for girlsphysics formulas

Simple tatto's Comfortable ang beautiful for girlsJapanese writing

Simple tatto's Comfortable ang beautiful for girlssimple tattoo is cool

A simple tattoo, including the works and creations for tattoo lovers

Cowboy Tattoos Pictures

Definition and Designs

Cowboy Tattoos PicturesCowboy tattoos is derived from God and the owners call the Greek messenger. Tattoos winged Cowboy paint creatures and they hover around the ground to provide protection against the elements of evil. Cowboy tattoos are for the protection of humanity, and offers protection against evil. He has an cowboy tattoo on his upper back and hast tattoos on his body with the name of Cowboy tattoos, not only protect but also his son.

Traditional owners refused tattoo seems to be a threat to the owners. Cowboy These tattoos are very popular among men and Cowboy tattoos are beautiful, peace, ethics, spirituality and beauty. Cowboy tattoos worn by women tend to show him home

A woman wearing a tattoo owners looking forward to home, there to find a purer self. Cowboy tattoos designed to provide protection and wear a tattoo cowboy people do not resolve anything less. A man wearing a tattoo cowboy shows that are very proud of women and the tattoo is cowboy is the man chosen to represent the concept of masculinity. Cowboy tattoos can be seen in general, a angel, Bad Boys, too. Most people wearing tattoos and cowboy says that it helps the women. Cowboy tattoos are chosen by people who have no particular preference for women. Cowboy tattoos men dressed completely fascinated with women.

Lots of people have a special reason to get an Cowboy tattoos: as a symbol of a loved one who has moved on to a far far better place than creepy smelly planet earth (it's one of God's earlier works, really he's done much better in far trendier parts of the universe, where the cowboy hang out, by the way.)

By Yoes

Cowboy Tattoos Pictures

Cowboy Tattoos Pictures

Cowboy Tattoos Pictures

Cowboy Tattoos Pictures

Celtic Dragon Tattoo- Body Tattoo

Celtic Dragon Tattoo

Celtic Dragon Tattoo- Body TattooAlthough today the emblem for Wales is a Celtic dragon tattoo, the early Celts had nothing to do with dragons in their early times, if we are to refer to their artwork. It appears that the dragon was brought to the Celts by the Vikings. Somewhere in Wales history there is a story about a battle between a white and a red dragon. The red dragon is used as a representation of Wales and the white dragon are the invading Saxons. So a white or a red dragon can have different meanings.

This is of great importance to the tattoo world. If you are interested in getting a Celtic dragon tattoo then you should know that a red dragon, according to the story which was mentioned earlier, represents anger and a white dragon represents death. Usually a dragon tattoo is pretty complex, especially if it is a Celtic dragon tattoo. This is why you would look for a design on a larger scale. Probably the best place where you could get it would be your back. Getting a small one would look pretty bad in my opinion so I would suggest that you choose a large one.

Because of its size and because of its complex nature it can be pretty expensive to get one. This is why you should think well about what design you choose when it comes to colors. The more colors you use the more expensive it will be. If you find a design and you are not sure that you can afford it you should go and talk to a tattoo artist, preferably to one that specializes in Celtic tattoos, because such a design wouldn't be easy to make and you wouldn't want it to come out differently than what you expected after paying so much money.

By John Sheppard

Celtic Dragon Tattoo- Body Tattoo

Celtic Dragon Tattoo- Body Tattoo

Celtic Dragon Tattoo- Body Tattoo

Temporary Tattoos

The New Fashion Accessory

The New Fashion AccessoryTemporary Tattoos may have started out as a bit of a fad when they were given away in a packet of chips or bubblegum. However, over time they have evolved and have now become a full blown fashion accessory. They find the greatest popularity amongst teenagers and adults but their popularity does not end there. Many adults are also enjoying wearing them at parties, hens and stag nights, weddings and more.

What types of Temporary Tattoos are there?

Several types of removable tattoos exist. One of the most common types is a water slide decal. In the US tens of millions of water slide decals are manufactured every day and shipped all over the world. The designs on these can vary greatly in range. Common children's designs can include animals, fairies or butterflies. More popular among the teenage group are tribal patterns, glitter tattoos and decorative designs. Additionally, many companies use temporary tattoos as promotional items. For these tattoos a company design or slogan is imprinted on the tattoo. It is then usual to give the tattoos away as gifts at a promotional event or in promotional packs. Some other types of tattoos include Henna and Mehindi Tattoos.

How safe is a temporary tattoos?

Water slide tattoos have been approved by the FDA and are considered to be extremely safe. If in doubt you can check the back of the tattoo for safety instructions or ask a supplier.

How long will a tattoo last?

Your first experiences with a fake tattoo may have been a long time ago when they were a vastly different quality. The original type often didn't apply to the skin well and easily flaked off. Now a days,tattoos are high quality and can produce bold, full colour designs on the skin which last up to several weeks.

TThe New Fashion Accessory
The New Fashion Accessory
The New Fashion Accessory

By Rowan Fry

Russian Criminal Tattoo

Russian Criminal Tattoo

Russian Criminal TattooRussian criminal tattoo are incredibly interesting in both their symbolism and their honor system. Here are the different aspects to a Russian criminal tattoo:

1. Initiation.

Usually a new recruit to a gang or organization will receive an initiation tattoo. This tattoo will be placed on the chest, and sometimes may incorporate a rose. The Russian Mafia was particularly known for using the rose tattoo on the chest.

2. Phony tattoo.

Within the Russian criminal tattoo world, if one is found to be wearing an unearned or "phony" tattoo, that is one which the wearer got inked on to try to pose as a criminal or someone who supposedly earned certain ranks, then severe punishment was inflicted on the wearer. Even death was seen as verifiable form of punishment to posers who went around adoring criminal tats.

Also, if one chose to get out of an organization, he would have to painfully remove his tattoo through a process consisting of magnesium powder application which would dissolve the skin, and hence, remove the tattoo.

3. Punishment Tattoos.

Not all Russian criminal tattoos are worn voluntarily. Some criminals have the ink forced upon them. These criminals will have committed some wrong in the eyes of the Russian underworld. Not paying debts, performing disservice to an organization, and breaking the criminal code can all result in forced ink.

These punishment tattoos often take the form of sexual explicit designs, aimed at embarrassing the wearer. Many of the forehead tattoos seen in the Russian criminal underworld were forced ink, which were used to warn others about that persons connections, or simply were a harsh way of embarrassing that individual through ethnic or sexual slants.

By Chess McDoogle

Russian Criminal Tattoo

Russian Criminal Tattoo
Russian Criminal Tattoo
Russian Criminal Tattoo