Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wishful Wintery White Wednesday

Bottle Brush Trees via The Joy Of on Flickr

This little tree is for sale!

Tall Bottle Brush Trees via Shabby Addict Shop
These are also available for sale!
Shabby Addict Shop has some fabulous vintage items for sale.
Be sure to check out the Shabby Addict blog too!

via Shabby Addict Shop
These are for sale too but they are currently sold out.

Bottle Brush Trees via Small Treasures on Flickr

Jennifer's Dining Room via Sweet Eye Candy Creations

Pink Christmas Tree via Tumblr

Lost Deer via Danske on Flickr

We'll Have Snow and Mistletoe via Full of Bliss on Flickr

Christmas 2006 Assemblage Art via Curious Details

A Very Merry Christmas to All via Theresa Thompson

White Bottle Brush Tree Forest via Craftnosis on Flickr

Vintage Christmas via Restyled Home

Bottle Brush Trees via Suzanne Duda on Flickr

30 Days of Christmas via Frosty on Flickr

Vintage Christmas via Seaside Rose Garden on Flickr

I hope you enjoy the vintage bottle brush Christmas trees!
Are you decorating for Christmas and the Holidays?
What are you wishing for this Christmas?

Check out Faded Charm for more White Wednesday pics!

I gathered the vintage bottle brush Christmas trees for my post today and then looked at Faded Charm's blog only to find she has vintage white Christmas trees too! Her Christmas trees are whiter though, mine have a bit of color in them, hope that's ok.

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