Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Raining Christmas Joy

It's a cold winter's night,

Raindrops glisten in the moonlight.

Inside where it's warm,

The Christmas tree is adorn.

Twinkling sparkles blink in delight,

On this joyous beautiful night.

To all my dear blogging friends,
especially those who follow along,
I hope the holiday season fills
your heart with joyous memories.

Another poem written last night by me...
Thinking of Someone Special,
Christmas and Puttin' Up a Tree

Photo credits:
(It's actually raining in this original photo)
Redhead at Rainy Window via Lace and Tea
Photographer is Olaf Wipperfurth
Raindrop Delights - Anybody know?
Holiday Bokeh via Rudy Maimquist on Flickr
Bokeh Christmas Tree via Celinec on
Girl in Light of Love via i.Anton on Flickr
Joy, Pure and Simple via Photocillin on Flickr

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