Monday, November 30, 2009

A Beautiful Busy Day

I have a busy day,

And must be on my way.

I'm to meet my brother in town,

No time to linger around.

He has treasures for me to store,

Of delightful measure I'm sure to adore.

Don't worry, I will return soon,

Before tonight's shimmering moon.

I hope you have a beautiful day to treasure!

Artistic Credits:
Another poem by me
Umberto Brunelleschi via

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Purple Pashima's and Turnips

It's getting cold out! Time to get out my coats and sweaters, wraps and scarve I have two incredibly soft cashmere wraps that I purchased in Germany years ago, one in black and one in lavender. The lavender one goes perfectly with... the colors on my blog and the big turnips in Trish's post, Turnips, Tea and Cookies on her blog Trouvis. The turnips look a little bit pinker than my Pashima wrap in the pictures but it's still pretty close.

Be sure to check out Trish's recent post on Trouvis, 3 Fine Grains, with some beautiful natural Christmas decorations made from grain sacks. This made me realize, I actually have a bit of grain sack decor! I just might even have thee ultimate grain sack SACK, at least I think it might count... stay tuned!

Photo Credits:
Lavender Pashima by Me
Turnips by Trish at Trovis

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Gallery

About Chinese Dragon Tattoo - What Most People Don't Know But Should
By Fanyun Ding

Chinese dragon is a mythical divine beast originated from ancient Chinese folklores. It is now commonly depicted as a huge, serpentine, and scaled creature. Unlike "western dragon" that has been described as evil, Chinese dragon has long been symbolized as the power of auspice both in folklore and art. Created on the land of an agriculture-oriented country, Chinese dragon is believed to bring rain and water, which well explains the position it takes in Chinese culture.

For centuries, Chinese people proudly refer to themselves as "Long De Chuan Ren", or "Descendants of the Dragon". This ethnic identity is believed to originate from Huang Di, a benevolent, legendary emperor who was said to have been immortalized into a dragon. Since Huang Di is considered to be the ancestor of Chinese, hence the saying "Descendants of the Dragon".

Due to that Huang Di myth, Chinese dragon is also symbolized as an imperial power. For dynasties, emperors were referred to as "Long Zi" or "offspring of the dragon", who wore imperial robes with dragons drawn on and claimed to have a dragon birthmark as a divine authorization by heaven.

Chinese dragon is also among the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, a special Chinese way of designating years. To be more specific, year 2000,1988,1976,1964,1952 or any year with a 12-year gap between would be year of the dragon. In order to be "like a dragon", there are more babies born in the years of dragon than in any other animal years of the Chinese Zodiac.

Given all the foresaid reasons, it is not hard to understand why Chinese dragon is so popular among tattoo lovers. In fact, if you happen to be born in those dragon years, it's much recommended that you get a dragon tattoo because you are born blessed to be connected with Chinese dragon.

Basically, Chinese dragon is being tattooed in two forms: picture and character. Some prefer to have their whole back area tattooed with a vivid picture of dragon, while others may be satisfied with the Chinese character of "dragon" tattooed within a one-inch square of area. For dragon picture tattoos, a careful selection of the picture as well as the tattoo artist would be enough to ensure a quality dragon tattoo. For dragon character tattoos, however, it takes efforts to find a great tattoo idea, since you have to take many factors into consideration, including the literal meaning, the "actual" meaning, and the "cultural meaning" of the word that you select. Well, that's just the tricky thing of Chinese.

Fortunately, there are many Chinese phrases that associate with the idea of Chinese dragon. Followings are three dragon-related Chinese idioms for your reference.

Shen Long Ma Zhuang/ Long Shen Ma Zhuang

strong and energetic with an impressive bearing.

Both Shen Long Ma Zhuang and Long Shen Ma Zhuang are legitimate as an idiom, as in many cases Chinese characters can be reversed in words yet remain a similar meaning, just like this one.

Literally speaking, Shen means "magical, with divine power", Long means "dragon", Ma means "horse" and Zhuang means "strong". In Chinese culture, horse is considered intelligent, powerful and friendly to human, which therefore is used together with dragon in this idiom to describe the state of being strong and energetic.

By the way, Shen would be quite a nice character to ink alone, which could also mean "Almighty".

Ru Long Si Hu: valiant and energetic

Both Ru and Si means "like" in Chinese, so this idiom literally means "like a dragon like a tiger". Traditionally, Hu(tiger) and Long(dragon) are used together in phrases, idioms, and sayings to display a status of being strong, in power, and dominant. Needless to say, this idiom would be definitely fit for males since it's full of strength and masculinity.

What's worth noting, however, is that Long usually appears before Hu in expression, and it would seem weird when reversed. That being said, it would be a great idea to add Hu to your tattoo if your former choice was to ink Long alone, yet the right way to do this would be to ink "Long Hu", not "Hu Long".

Huo Long Xian Jian: strong and vigorous

Literally speaking, Huo means "alive", Long means "dragon", Xian means "fresh", and Jian means "healthy". When combined together, they form a unique Chinese idiom, one with a new and congruent meaning. Great literal meaning, great actual meaning, and great cultural meaning, this one is definitely fit for tattooing.

These dragon-related Chinese idioms are the literary and cultural embodiment of dragon and they truly live up to the standards of a unique and smart Chinese tattoo. It will be so amazing if you find one that best fits your personality. A Chinese tattoo dragon can be much more than an ink, but a special identity that helps you stand out of the crowd.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Flash

Chinese Tattoos - Meaning of Chinese Dragon Tattoos
By Declan O Reilly

Chinese Tattoos have always been hugely popular. At one stage they were the realm of criminals and the mafia. Now it seems even Hollywood celebrities seem to have caught on to the mystery and allure of the Far East. While it is undeniable that classic Chinese tattoos have an attraction which can easily be appreciated regardless of whether one can understand the often subtle meanings or not.

Aesthetics should be the primary consideration when getting tattooed, and Chinese characters are very well suited to this purpose. While tattoos have always been conversation pieces, Chinese tattoos add another element, since the typical viewer will probably ask you the meaning, which allows the wearer to not only translate the characters, but to explain the story behind the decision to make such a lasting statement.

Meaning is an important question however and for this reason can make Chinese tattoos date very quickly. Often it is not quite what the wearer was told by the tattooist at the tattoo shop or the meaning can become irrelevant after a few years.

Hopefully the person being tattooed has done his or her research and consulted with a native Chinese speaker about the meaning before being inked. Some non Chinese speakers have unwittingly tattooed their bodies with Chinese symbols which when translated become meaningless.

The most common Chinese tattoos are ones that are supposed to represent ideas and qualities like love or strength. Keep in mind that the concepts are aimed at English speakers, and on that level "peace, love and happiness" are easily understandable.

But before you run off to the studio to get one done you should do your research. Selecting a Chinese tattoos deserves careful study and attention. It should have less to do with style and more to do with your character, work, and values. It's permanent, so it's a pretty important decision in your life. In the end, it is important to choose something of lasting appeal not something faddish.

Chinese Dragons

For centuries, the Chinese dragon has been a symbol of power and mystery. Depicted in countless legends, both Eastern and Western, the dragon has provoked man to fear and worship it. In medieval Europe, it was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its malevolence and ferociousness struck terror in all. However, in Asia, it is the contrary. The mighty dragon is a mythical beast long celebrated for its benevolence, intelligence and good will. The Chinese dragon has been a common symbol of identity for Far Eastern cultures.

In fact, Chinese people all over the world are affectionately known as “lung de chuan ren”, or the "descendants of the dragon”. There are several distinct species of Chinese dragons. The Horned Dragon is considered to be the mightiest. The Celestial Dragon supports the heavens and protects the Gods. The Earth Dragon rules all of the earth. The Spiritual Dragon controls the wind and rain. The Treasure Dragon is the keeper of precious metals and gems. The Winged Dragon is the only dragon with wings. The Coiling Dragon dwells in the ocean. The Yellow Dragon is a hornless dragon known for its scholarly knowledge.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Designs

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Designs and Meanings
By Graeme Wheeler

It is believed that the mythical creature developed its appearance from the totem poles of many different tribes in China. As the tribes merged, the different attributes of the dragon's appearance took shape. The Chinese dragon is believed to have evolved over time to incorporate the features of 9 animals to become the mythical creature it is today. These features include the:

• Horns of a deer

• Head of a camel

• Eyes of a demon

• Neck of a snake

• Stomach of a clam

• Scales of a carp fish

• Claws of an eagle

• Soles of a tiger

• Ears of a cow

Combine these features together and you have the Chinese Dragon, a very popular tattoo design over the ages and evermore so now.

It is common for many oriental pictures of the Chinese dragon to show a pearl or thunder-ball under its chin - representing good luck and wisdom. Some pictures also show Chinese dragons with bat wings, although dragons are able to fly without wings.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Meanings

The Chinese dragon tattoo is centuries old which adds to its appeal and mystic. It is a symbol of mystery and power, wisdom and good will. These dragons are considered good luck and are linked heavily with the number nine, as there are nine sections to the dragon. Qualities include loyalty courage and strength.

The Chinese Dragon is a divine mythical creature that warded off bad spirits. They have a strong link with authority in China. The Chinese proclaim themselves "Long De Chuan Ren" or descendents of the dragon because when the first Emperor Huang Di died, (considered by the Chinese as their ancestor) legend has it that he turned into a dragon and rose to heaven. This lead to the Chinese dragon becoming a symbol of imperial authority and power. The five toed Chinese dragon was reserved for the emperor alone. Peasants wearing such a symbol would be put to death.

These creatures have 117 scales, 81 of these scales are yang (positive) and 36 are yin (negative), so the dragon is yang creature.

The legend states that dragons originated in China and spread throughout the region, getting as far as Japan. The Chinese dragons have five toes, the Korean dragons have four toes and as you get further away, such as Japan, the dragons have three toes. It was not possible for dragons to go any further than Japan and lose any more toes.

Chinese dragons are believed to have a controlling force over water, such as seas, rivers waterfalls and the like. Water spouts are associated with dragons rising. When droughts or floods occur, it was common for sacrifices to be offered to the dragons to appease them. Legend has it that dragons have the ability to burst clouds and bring down the rain. If they are angry, they can cause floods.

The beauty of the design, combined with the stunning red, black and green colors make the Chinese Dragon tattoo design very popular.

Did you know that one out of every five people regret their tattoo design, according to a recent Harris Poll. If you are thinking of getting a tattoo, don't make these common mistakes - with this free tattoo guide and a review of the top online tattoo galleries.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

White Wednesday Before Thanksgiving

The little white kitty is waiting for her relatives and friends.

This pretty Thanksgiving table is from
Their have so many lovely table setting ideas!

The Antique White Pumpkin Tureen is for sale on Ebay!
(I don't know if it is a real antique or not.)

This pretty Thanksgiving table is from Erinn.
I found this pretty picture here and here.

The white pumpkins look so peaceful.

Don't forget to check out all the other posts on
Kathleen's blog Faded Charm for White Wednesday.

I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tattoo Girl

Tattoo Girl, originally uploaded by Adrian Ray Photography.

New cast photo of The Losers

looking good!!

New trailer for The Loss Of A Teardrop Diamond

Here's a new trailer for The Loss Of A Teardrop Diamond with more Chris in it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

More Closet Space Please

I dream of having a big closet filled with glamorous
clothes, purses and shoes. Something like this please...

Mariah Carey has the most amazing closet and beautiful clothes!
Her closet is more like a glamorous dressing room.
It's the prettiest I've ever seen!
I had the opportunity to hear Mariah sing live at an awards show.
She is truly an incredibly talented and beautiful singer!

And we can't forget Carrie Bradshaw's new closet
in the "Sex and the City" movie!

"Just get me a really big closet!"
The whole theater let out a collective "WOW!" when this came on the screen! Mr. Big proposed to Carrie (for a second time)
in the fabulous closet of their new home.
Talk about wedded bliss! Of course they lived happily ever after!

Here are some more of my favorite closets for inspiration. Keep reading to see how I rearranged my closet and added lots of space. It didn't take much time or money and you can do it too.

Eva Longoria Parker

Jamie Lynn Sigler

Kim Catrell

Kimora Lee Simons

Maria Menounos

Nikki Hilton

Paula Abdul

Kips Bay

Kips Bay

Aerin Lauder

Aerin Lauder

Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti of Vivre via Domino Magazine

The most realistic inspiration for my closet make over
came from this picture of the closet with the two doors.

This is my small walk in bedroom closet.

I live in an old Spanish home that was built in the 1930's. Many of the older homes have small closets compared to those of today. I can't sing at all or act... so that won't help me buy a new home with bigger closets. I had to think of a different way to increase the space I already had in my closet.

At first, I thought of knocking out the old wooden shelves
and rods and buying built in shelving that I would put together.
It was going to look fabulous, like the closet with the two doors.
By the time I figured it out the company stopped selling them!
That's ok because it was going to cost me a lot of money.
Although I still wish I could redo my closet like that some day.

Then one day, a neighbor friend was cleaning out her parents home, and she gave me a few rolling clothing racks.

Suddenly I had a great idea!
Truly an ah-ha "light bulb over my head" moment!

I came up with an easy and inexpensive way to add more hanger space in my little closet without altering it or even hammering a single nail! You can do the same! It helped me organize the closet in a more efficient manner and it looks much prettier too!

I used two adjustable rolling racks like this that my friend gave me. The racks can be found at many of the home improvement stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond, Loews and maybe even Home Depot.

I also purchased some simple shelves a while back,
probably from Bed Bath and Beyond.
I can't find a basic photo of them on the internet,
but you will see them in my closet.
I used my discount coupons for added savings!

I got some pretty satin padded hangers too.
No wire hangers in my closet!!

Now it's time to redo my closet!
I wish I could repaint the closet or add pretty wallpaper,
but I just left it for now.

My closet is about 50" or 51" front to back and about 50" across the back. It has two wooden bars on each side and built in shelves above that can not be adjusted. The current hanging space in my closet before the update was only 100 inches.

I need to take the wheels off the rolling rack that you will see in the back. It will increase the hanging space by about 2 inches between the bar and the floor. You don't have to take the wheels off if you don't want to. It will still work either way.

I adjusted the new clothing rack bar so that it was raised up but just lower than the two built in bars so it could fit right under them. I put it all the way in the back of the closet against the wall.

My Closet - Left Side

My Closet - Right Side

Then I adjusted the ends of the new rack so that they fit right up against the walls. The ends can be pulled out and secured into place by twisting the round part that has the groves in it. The new rod is now about 56" across once I pulled the sides out up to the walls. That makes a new total of 156" of hanging space.

However, once I started putting my clothes back in, I realized I lost some hanging space in the back, about 15" to 16" on each side of the old wooden rods. Let's see if I can do the math... Current space on each side is 50" - 15" = 35" each side now. So 35" + 35" = 70" for the revised space on each side. Add 70" + 56" in the back and you have 126" of total hanging space. More is more! It looks a lot better and it's easier to organize my clothes. But we're not done yet!

The new bar is high enough off the floor so
that my dresses can hang nicely in the back.

I hung my colorful tops and shirts on the left side from the old wooden rod. I have some long evening gowns, ok only 2 now, which I hung on the left side from the original wooden rod in the back behind the tops.

I still have another clothing rack identical to this one. And there is enough space to add it to the closet! I took the wheels off on this one too. Then adjusted the bar as far down as it would go.

I placed the second rack in the closet on the right side.
I pushed it back in the corner against the other new rack.

AGH! I spy dust bunnies hiding in the corner!
This picture is an intermediate shot,
before the training wheels came off the rack.
I'll clean and re-shoot this photo soon.

I adjusted the end bars of the second rack too. I made the bar in the back go all the way in so it did not stick out. That way the rack could go up against the wall. If the rack were to have gone in front of the other one, I would have pulled the end piece out.

The other rod in the back on the rolling rack was a previous thought that I abandoned when I got the racks.

I also pushed the front end bar in as far as it would go.

This left about 12 inches in the front of my closet to hang longer clothes from the original wooden rod like bathrobes and fresh dry cleaning.

I hang blouses and shirts on the right side from the original wooden bar. I chose to put my white tops and a few light colored blouses on this side.

I hung my pants on the new lower rack by folding them
in half over pant hangers. They fit better here than on me!
Then I hung my bathrobes and night gowns in the front.

The second new bar is 40" long after it's be adjusted. Remember we loose about 15" to 16" of space in the back due to the dresses hanging down in the back. However, I hung some suits in this corner from the first rack and they don't hang down as far as the dresses. The pants fit underneath quite well.

So, the second rack added about 28" of new hanging space but I only use 22" as I don't have that many pairs of pants. I hung some of my sweat shirts down here too. I would like to have nicer wooden hangers for my pants instead of the plastic ones.

My little closet started out with 100" of original hanging space. This was reduced to 70" in order to accommodate the new racks. The first new rack added 56" of hanging space and the second one added 28" more. So the new total is 154" of hanging space! While that might not seem like a whole lot, it is so much easier to arrange my clothes and there is room for more!

I could even add another clothing rack on the left side if I wanted to, but chose to do something a little different because I wanted a place for my shoes.

I had some shelving that I purchased at one of the home improvement stores, probably from Bed Bath and Beyond.

My Shoe Shelves

I took three shelves and stacked them on top of each other on the left side. This created a space to organize my shoes! I like to keep them in their boxes as it keeps them safe from those dust bunnies. I could place a shelf on top of the bars of the first new rack in the back for shoes too.

These fabulous shoe boxes are from Closet Fetish.
I would love to get some but can't decide what color I like best!

My Closet - Left Side

My Closet - Right Side

I put the same kind of shelves up above on the built in shelves on each side. I put my purses and other such items up there.

My Closet - The Middle

I arranged some pretty hat boxes and storage boxes in the middle. I put my hats, belts, scarves, and other such things in them. I also put my cute cherub statue up on the shelf. He used to have a candle in the dish he is carrying. There are little nick nacks in the top now. I draped a colorful scarf over it to look pretty.

There you have it! My new closet!

My closet is no where near as fancy as Mariah's or Carrie's. However, it's much better now and I am delighted with the changes. I hope it gives you some ideas that might make your closet better too.

A girl's gotta have a really great closet!

PS. Incase you are wondering, that secret panel on the left side of the ceiling leads to the attic. Or shall I say, the icky crawl space between the ceiling and the roof. I have only peeked up there once or twice. There is nothing up there but dust. Maybe that's where the dust bunnies hide!

My To Do List ~ Photo Credits:
Giraffe Clothing Rack via
Miriah Carey's Closet via Stylists In the City
White Closet with Shoe Door via Stylists In the City
My Closet Pictures by Me
Pink Shoe Boxes in OCD Closet via
Couture Shoe Boxes via Closet Fetish
White Closet with Tufted Bench via Stylists In the City