Thursday, September 10, 2009

Scott Evans about coming out to his brother Chris

Here is a little bit of the interview had with Scott Evans and his mother Lisa. In the following piece Scott and Lisa talk about how Scott came out to his brother Chris.

Mom, your other son is very famous… Chris Evans.
Lisa: My sweet boy, yes.
Scott told in his last interview, that it was easy telling everyone in his family except Chris. Did you know about that?
Lisa: I did know about that, and it’s hard for them. When Scott came out to his sister and me, it was right after he left high school and got to NYU. He knew he wanted to identify himself by starting college as a gay man. Carly (Scott’s sister) and I were just sort of sitting back waiting going, “When do you think he is going to tell us?” He wanted to do it in person. Chris is not around as much and when he is, it’s all family all the time. So when I knew at one point the two of them were driving together from New York, I said, “Ah, I know this will be it. They have got four hours in the car and that’s really good.” I have to tell you something. Honestly, I have not told this to Scott. Chris came to me several times and went, “So mom, is Scott gay or what?” And I said, “You know, that is something Scott is going to have to tell you himself.” And he said, “Well, when is he going to tell me?” I said, “Scott probably needs to do it when he can be alone with you.” Chris went, “OK. Well, then I am going to be make myself available as best I can.”
Scott: That is just it. When I did finally came out to Chris, he said, “I am a little pissed.” I said, “Why?” Chris said, “You told everyone else six months ago. Why did it take you so long?” I was terrified to tell him. I look back on it now kind of laughing hysterically, thinking that I thought I couldn’t.
you can read the whole interview with Scott and Lisa at:

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