Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Fright

Now I am officially, totally, utterly, completely

Video created by Toulouse2k on You Tube
The soundtrack is from "Batman Begins"
Composed by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is a spooky time of the year,

I don't like ghosts and goblins or being in fear.

Not even scary masks and costumes,

Nor witches, brew and brooms.

It's bad enough when Samantha
disappears from the room!

I don't even like scary cartoons!

I'm definitely not into haunted houses and spooks,

Full of creaky doors, cobwebs and kooks.

Even these pumpkins have an eerie glow,

Although others look pretty all in a row.

And some are magical you know!

I do like the cute children all dressed up for show.

And then I remember... Halloween's not so bad,

("I got a rock!")

When I see all the candy... maybe I'll have just a tad.

This will surly make the dentists glad,

Just don't tell them how much I had!

Happy Halloween Everybody!

Another poem by me...
What's with my rhyming ability?

Here is a Halloween costume contest
that you can enter your little children in.
Just click on the Tom Arma website and send in a picture.

Photos of babies and children that parents have entered in the
"Is your baby a Tom Arma baby?" (Photo Contest for 2007).
Tom Arma, who the Wall Street Journal called
"the Armani of the kiddy costume world" holds a contest
every year for the cutest costumed kids.
Children must wear an animal or bug costume to enter.
To enter go to Tom Arma and click on the contest link.

Gifs by Oriza

Gifs, messages, love poems


Sorry my sparkly card got cut off...

I just happened to open my post in two different windows,

and the music is overlapping in the most eerie but cool way!

Photo credits will appear in ghostly time

or soon as I get some coffee...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chris Evans at the Monster Ball

Chris was at Splash's Monster Ball last wednesday to celebrate Halloween. You can see him here together with Giana Angelina DePasquale and Michael Winter.

Angel Wishes

Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

What do you wish for in life?
For yourself and others?
Do you have any regrets and if so,
how do you reconcile them?
(I struggle with this a great deal)
Have your dreams come true?
You don't have to tell anybody,
but don't forget about your dreams.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Back from the dead: Tennessee Williams, Orson Welles in Oscar race?

Heath Ledger won a rare posthumous competitive Oscar for "The Dark Knight" in February.

Could Tennessee Williams, who died in 1983, be the next?

For half a century, his original screenplay "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond" has remained unproduced — until now. But novice feature director Jodie Markell, a Williams aficionado, has rectified the situation with her new independent feature that gives Williams a brand-new screen credit and a renewed shot at the Oscar, which eluded him while he was alive. He was nominated for his adaptation of "A Streetcar Named Desire" in 1951 but lost to "A Place in the Sun" and then again in 1956 for "Baby Doll," losing to "Around the World In 80 Days." Both movies were directed by Elia Kazan, and the original plan in 1957 was to see a reteaming of the pair on "Teardrop," reportedly to star Julie Harris, but Kazan went on to other projects, and the picture never got made. The script did surface in an anthology of Williams' screenplays (which also include "The Glass Menagerie," "The Rose Tattoo" and "The Fugitive Kind"), but now it has been rescued from the footnotes of Williams' storied career and turned into a feature in a very different cinematic environment than the one in which it was created.

The film, starring Bryce Dallas Howard as Fisher Willow, another of those Southern belles Williams so loved, will open in Los Angeles and New York on Dec. 30, just under the wire to qualify for Oscar consideration. It costars Chris Evans, Ellen Burstyn, Ann-Margret and Mamie Gummer (Meryl Streep's daughter). In the classic Williams fashion of Maggie the Cat and Blanche DuBois, Howard fiercely and impressively portrays a reluctant debutante who lures a handsome young hired man at her father's plantation to escort her to the season's big societal balls, parties she must attend in order to gain her aunt's inheritance.

Orson Welles, another great name from the ghosts of Oscars past, is also starting to turn up prominently this award season, but in his case he's being channeled by Christian McKay, whose phenomenal and uncanny impersonation of the legend is the driving force of "Me and Orson Welles," another indie trying to get a foothold in the Oscar race. Opening fairly wide on Nov. 25, this 2008 Toronto International Film Fest entry has genuine box office bait in costars Zac Efron, as the 'Me' in the title, an idealistic young actor taken under Welles' wing, and Claire Danes as a love interest for both. Efron and Danes are quite good in this highly entertaining film, but it's McKay who dominates, as you swear the young Orson Welles has returned from the dead. Although McKay could probably qualify as either a lead actor or supporting actor, depending on how you look at it, a run in the supporting category could possibly gain some traction. There aren't a whole lot of contenders there right now, and the academy has shown itself to be a sucker for performances based on people they know, love and, in this case, have even given Oscars to (Welles shared a writing award in 1941 for "Citizen Kane" and also received an honorary statuette in 1971). English actor McKay was nominated this week as most promising newcomer by the British Independent Film Awards.

Of course, with the high costs of campaigning and big-name competition, the Oscar odds are long for both of these independently made and distributed period films, but they are counting on the fondness for a couple of legendary last names that both start with a 'W' to get them through the academy's door this year.

by Pete Hammond

Foggy Friday

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fairy Tale Dreams

I must confess,

I'm dreaming of a pretty dress.

And a pair of shoes,

That will elicit ohhhs.

Perhaps a beautiful gown,

For a night out on the town.

Because Cinderella must be,

Ever so mesmerizing to thee...

~ I hope you have a wonderful Friday night. ~

ps. New songs #2-13 on music playlist.
ps. Um... No, I don't really have a date,
or a dreamy gown and new pair of shoes :(
But a girl can dream can't she?

Photo credits on their way:
Photo One - Fluffy Pink Dreams
Photo Two - Giorgio Armani Prive
Photo Three - Pretty Pink Heels
Christian Dior Fall/Winter 2009
Photo Four - Giorgio Armani Prive - Fall/Winter 2009
Haute Couture Collection Show in Paris 2008
Photo by Francois Guillot - Getty Images
Photo Five - Giorgio Armani Prive - Fall/Winter 2009
Haute Couture Collection Show in Paris 2008
Photo by Francois Guillot - Getty Images
Photo Six - Sparkly Silver Heels
Photo Seven - Cinderella in Pink Mist - Photo by Tim Walker
Photo Eight - The Date

High Quality Chris

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3 more Chris pics from The Body Event

Found three more pics of Chris at The Body Event that I wanted to share with you...